
Unmatched air traffic control walkthrough
Unmatched air traffic control walkthrough

The game will teach you the basic controls along the way, so get used to them. Tag behind Garza to the Launch Bay and decend the stairs to begin your mission preparation. Okay Sergent, it's time to get a move on. Garza will lead you to the mission start point. This can be useful if you're being chased by the enemy and need to seek cover. Killzone 2 may be one of the first games to make strong use of "suppressive fire." What is suppressive fire? Glad you asked! Essentially, the mere act of firing bullets anywhere near an enemy will causes them to seek cover-if you continue to shoot in their direction, they won't even stick their head out until you cease fire. Tip! Cooking grenades can be a fantastic way to kill stubborn enemies who are behind cover. Of course, you have to plan ahead, so if the enemy's on the move, try to gauge where you think they'll be. That is, pull the pin and holding onto the grenade for several seconds (by holding the grenade button), then tossing it just before it explodes. However, you can counter this by "cooking" the grenade. And no where is this more apparent than when throwing a grenade at them-they'll immediately dive out of the way, well before your grenades has a chance to explode, rendering your grenade ineffective. The enemies in Killzone 2, while perhaps not the sharpest tools in the shed, certainly aren't dummies. That is, pull the trigger to shoot a few bullets, quickly release, then pull it again briefly, repeating the process until the enemy is dead. In short, it's best to shoot while stationary, and even then, only in short bursts (with automatic weapons), otherwise the weapon's recoil will cause your shots to spray all over. So you're probably wondering what the big deal is, right? You aim the cursor and pull the trigger-that's it, right? Wrong! The crosshair in Killzone is dynamic, changing size in relation to both how fast you're moving and also how much recoil your current weapon has-the larger the crosshair, the more sporadic your aim will be. Some Helghast are close-range fighters, so be ready to melee them if they get up in your grill. It's actually easier and more convenient to simply walk up to the wall for cover, then strafe to the side to blast the enemies-this saves time, allowing you to be even more responsive. Tip! While we find the cover-button crucial when using "chest high walls" and the like for cover, we actually don't recommend using it for taller cover-points, such as normal walls or pillars. This is real, son, so it's important that you pay attention. Now we're fully aware you're already familiar with "First-Person Shooters," but those mere games can't quite prepare you for the battles you'll soon be facing.

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  • unmatched air traffic control walkthrough

    Walkthrough: The war zone can be a hectic and confusing place, but we'll be there to guide you every step of the way.


    General Tips: Learn how to deal with life on the battlefield.

    unmatched air traffic control walkthrough

    Here's what you'll find in GameSpot's Killzone 2 Game Guide: Of course, life on the battlefield is no cakewalk, but we're here to whip you into shape for anything and everything it tosses at you. But this time, the battle's being taken to the Helghast's home turf, striking them where it matters most. The Helghast are back and ready for more in Killzone 2, the follow-up to the heavily hyped PlayStation 2 original.

    Unmatched air traffic control walkthrough